Frequently Asked Questions

I have paid already. Where is my key code?
After your payment is authorized by PayPal, an automatic email is sent to the email address registered at PayPal at the time of the purchase. This email comes from "" and includes your key code, but sometimes it is filtered as Spam either by servers or client applications. Please check on your email program’s Spam folder first, if you don't find it there, send us an email
by filling in the contact form and we will email it again.

How do I unlock my purchased game?
If you received your key code already: run the game, click the "About" tab, enter your email and keycode, and hit the "Unlock" button. We recommend copying and pasting your credentials from the email you received instead of typing them, as they are case-sensitive. Use your keyboard keys Command-C (Ctrl-C on Windows) to Copy and Command-V (Ctrl-V on Windows) to paste. See an example on our graphic
unlocking instructions page.

My keycode is not working. What should I do?
Email and Key Code fields are case-sensitive. Therefore we recommend copying and pasting your credentials from the email you received instead of typing them. Use your keyboard keys Command-C (Ctrl-C on Windows) to Copy and Command-V (Ctrl-V on Windows) to paste. See an example on our
unlocking instructions page.

I purchased the 2 licenses promotion. How do I get my second key code?
If you forgot to enter the second email address at PayPal, please send us an email with the second email address so we can generate and register your second license. We’ll send your credentials and instructions via email.

I purchased the “Send as Gift” option. How does it work?
When finishing your purchase at PayPal there was a field to enter the name and email address of the gift recipient, if you missed this field, please send us an email with that information so we can generate, register and send the game license to the recipient’s address. He or she will receive the game license and instructions in a nice formatted email.

I purchased my game a long time ago, do I need to purchase it again to have the newest version?
No. At this time we provide free updates to all our games, and we want to keep this policy as an added value to our customers. Some of our games include a fast auto-update feature. Each time you run your game, the system checks for a newer version. If a newer version is available, it will download the code changes and run the game without re-launching it. Note: This feature is not offered in our 3D games; with these games you will be notified every time a new version is available, with a button to download it.

If I use a Mac version, can I play online against a Windows version?
Yes, any of our games that include online capabilities (MacPool, Carambola, Snooker, Domino and Kasino) are compatible for online play against both Windows and Mac OS X versions.

What is the difference between the 1 License and 2 Licenses?
One license is needed per computer. Purchasing 2 Licenses entitles you to install the game on two different computers (Mac or Win) and play online against each other without limitations.

I have changed my computer. Do I need to purchase the game again?
No, there is no need to purchase again. Just send us an email and we will reset your registration.

Why do I have to pay for these games?
You can try any of our games for free, and you may choose to purchase the game you want to continue playing without interruptions. Your payment supports our development work. Thanks to our customers, we have been able to develop more functionalities and bug fixes so you can enjoy the very best games.

Can I have a LAN match between two computers I have at home or office?
Technically yes, but both computers need to have Internet connectivity. Our online gaming capability is designed to be controlled by our game servers.

Is there an option to play full screen?
Yes, but only in Billiards, SpacePig, Gems or MacJong. We prefer to play and develop windowed games that integrate seamlessly with the operative system.

I selected the full screen option. How can I get back to normal windowed mode?
Press Command-F (Ctrl-F on Windows computers). Because activating fullscreen mode decreases image quality, we recommend instead to press the “Option” key while starting the game. This opens a window to change the graphics settings.

What exactly is the "incompatible versions" message I receive when playing online?
When we release a new version, if there is a significant improvement in the way the game is played or the way it communicates online, it is necessary to make sure the other party has the same version. Therefore, not all new versions are incompatible with previous ones. To be safe, just make sure you are running the most recent version.

How do I uninstall the game I just downloded?
Our application games are very simple to download and run, and they are 100% unintrusive to your system and information. There is no such thing as installer or uninstaller. Just click to download, double-click to run, drag to the trash to delete.

How do I uninstall the widget I just installed?
Our widget games behave as standard widgets, and to get any of these off your dashboard you must press F12 (to open the dashboard), click on the lower left "+" circle, then click on the "X" circle over the widget window. If you want to delete the widget from your computer, you will have to remove it manually. Do this by going to the following folder: Users > User > Library > Widgets, and drag the widget file to the trash. This folder holds all downloaded widgets for your system.

How do I play Online?
Go to the Settings Tab
Select the "Online Mode" option
Write in your nickname on the "Player 1" field
Hit enter or click the "Login" button and you will se a list of players connected
Click on the player you want to invite
Click the "Invite" button or double-click the selected player to send your invitation
Instead of inviting you can wait to get invited and accept the invitation
The game starts automatically after the invited player accepts the invitation

My question is not in this list
Please visit our forum first. If the answer is not there already, please take a minute to register and post your question. We will answer as quickly as possible. If you prefer not to register or share your question, you can send us an email by filling in the contact form. We will respond to you quickly, but this option takes a bit more time than the forum.