Downloading the Game on your Mac
(Windows users, see below)

Follow the easy steps below to download and run your trial game on your Mac computer:

Step 1: Click on the Mac icon
From the game's page, select the Mac icon.

Step 2: Automatic download and decompression
After clicking on the Mac icon, you will see a window like the one below. When the download is complete, the file will be automatically decompressed. You will find it in your default downloads location (usually the Desktop or the Downloads folder).

Step 3: Open your game!
Double click the single icon application to start the game.
*Icon and name may be different depending on the game you download.

Downloading the Game on your Windows PC

Follow the easy steps below to download and run your trial game on your Windows PC.

Step 1: Click on the Windows icon
From the game's page, select the Windows icon.

Step 2: Downloading options
After cliking on the Windows icon, you will see a window like the one below. You can select ‘Open’ or ‘Save’. The ‘Open’ option will open a window like the one in step 3 below. The ‘Save’ option will leave the compressed (zip) file in your selected location, just wait until it finishes and open it.

Step 3: Uncompressing the game
Drag or Save the game folder into your desired location. Do not try to run the game from this window.

Step 4: Open your game!
Open the saved folder and double click the game icon to start playing.
*Icon and name may be different depending on the game you download.